The Locusts of the cosmos, Grey Aliens have come to earth to mate with our women, steal our resources and eat our fast food.
With a love for hot women, McDonald’s, Manchester United and the Utah Jazz, these little Grey Aliens, must be stopped.
$ALIEN was created to fight these Grey soy boys, who think just because they have faster than light travel, they can take our women and root for awful teams.
$Alien will send these assholes back to Zeta Reticuli, and outside of the current galactic Uber Eats range for Taco Bell delivery.
When the first Alien spaceship crashed in Roswell in mid-June of 1947, the surviving Aliens were “escorted” to an army base for questioning and reverse engineering of their technology.
Seeing that the American military was a bunch of clueless nincompoops, the Aliens saw they had a good thing going here.
After watching our movies, seeing our girlie magazines and eating our pizzas and hamburgers, they decided to stay.
Happy to give America their technological secrets, knowing full well it would be a century before we figured it out, they Phoned Home when a Sergeant guarding them wasn’t looking, telling all their friends to come
Zeta Reticuli has many different species and races of grey aliens, and they all have different favorite things to do on Earth. Whether it’s lounging by the pool, hanging out at sports matches, bedding our women or going to a fast food joint, they all enjoy the pleasures of our Planet.
They have been swarming here since, abducting our women and making a general nuisance of themselves.